5 steps to protect
public services
Below are 5 key actions the city can start taking now to eliminate waste and collect all the
revenue it’s owed. We can balance the budget, prevent layoffs, and protect essential city services.
Below are 5 key actions the city can start taking now to eliminate waste and collect all the revenue it’s owed. We can balance the budget, prevent layoffs, and protect essential city services.
efficient & accountable
police overtime
efficient &
police overtime
The Police Department was $52 million over budget, yet will see only $32 million in reductions—
leaving other services facing deep cuts. The administration’s plan doesn’t do enough to control
police overtime, which is the area most vulnerable to waste and abuse. This is a structural problem:
over the past decade, the Police Department has stayed within budget only twice.
The police department was $52 million over budget, yet will see only $32 million in reductions— leaving other services facing deep cuts. The administration’s plan doesn’t do enough to control police overtime, which is the area most vulnerable to waste and abuse. This is a structural problem: over the past decade, the Police Department has stayed within budget only twice.
Beyond “Foreseeable” Overtime
Millions of dollars in overtime spending occur without prior approval
or monitoring. The current focus on cutting “foreseeable” overtime—typically used
for planned special operations—misses the more significant sources of waste
and abuse.
Beyond “Foreseeable” Overtime
Millions of dollars in overtime spending occur without prior approval or monitoring. The current focus on cutting “foreseeable” overtime—typically used for planned special operations—misses the more significant sources of waste
and abuse.
Shift Extensions Without Prior Approval
A study by Harvey Rose found that 12 officers extended their shifts 500 hours
or more in one year (the average per officer is only 72 hours). Just this handful
of officers cost the city over $2 million in overtime through shift extensions.
Shift Extensions Without Prior Approval
A study by Harvey Rose found that 12 officers extended their shifts 500 hours
or more in one year (the average per officer is only 72 hours). Just this handful
of officers cost the city over $2 million in overtime through shift extensions.
Voluntary Overtime Policy Violations
In one year, the voluntary overtime policy was violated over 3,000 times, with
officers claiming an excessive amount of both paid time off and overtime in the
same week. These issues have been repeatedly flagged by auditors, but most of
their recommendations are not fully implemented. In 2019, the auditor
recommended a fiscal year hourly limit for overtime and at the very least
enforcing existing policies.
Voluntary Overtime Policy Violations
In one year, the voluntary overtime policy was violated over 3,000 times, with officers claiming an excessive amount of both paid time off and overtime in the same week. These issues have been repeatedly flagged by auditors, but most of their recommendations are not fully implemented. In 2019, the auditor recommended a fiscal year hourly limit for overtime and at the very least
enforcing existing policies.
Wage increases granted to top management employees have far outpaced the
average salary of civilian employees. In the past three years, just 66 top
management employees received on average compensation increases of
$116,000. That’s more than the average salary of a civilian employee. In some
cases, there are duplicative management roles that could be consolidated.
Before cutting the lowest paid frontline staff, the city should review recently
added management positions and find efficiencies.
Wage increases granted to top management employees have far outpaced the average salary of civilian employees. In the past three years, just 66 top management employees received on average compensation increases of
$116,000. That’s more than the average salary of a civilian employee. In some
cases, there are duplicative management roles that could be consolidated.
Before cutting the lowest paid frontline staff, the city should review recently
added management positions and find efficiencies.
Wage increases granted to top management employees have far outpaced the
average salary of civilian employees. In the past three years, just 66 top
management employees received on average compensation increases of
$116,000. That’s more than the average salary of a civilian employee. In some
cases, there are duplicative management roles that could be consolidated.
Before cutting the lowest paid frontline staff, the City should review recently
added management positions and find efficiencies.
Wage increases granted to top management employees have far outpaced the average salary of civilian employees. In the past three years, just 66 top management employees received on average compensation increases of
$116,000. That’s more than the average salary of a civilian employee. In some
cases, there are duplicative management roles that could be consolidated.
Before cutting the lowest paid frontline staff, the City should review recently
added management positions and find efficiencies.
Another significant source of waste is the use of sworn officers to perform work that could be
done by civilian staff at a lower cost. As many as 21 officers could go back on patrol duties and
reduce the need for overtime:
3 sworn officers are working as intake technicians, which costs the city
60% more than if civilian staff filled these positions.
3 sworn officers are working as intake technicians, which costs the city 60% more than if civilian staff filled these positions.
2 sworn officers are working in IT.
2 sworn officers are working in IT,
which could be done by
civilian staff.
Civilianization of internal affairs investigators has been included in multiple
budgets starting in 2020, but has yet to happen. This could save $1 million
and put 16 officers back on patrol.
Civilianization of internal affairs investigators has been included
in multiple budgets starting in 2020,
but has yet to happen. This could
save $1 million and put 16
officers back on patrol.
business tax enforcement
business tax
Business tax delinquency notices are going out, but there is no plan to identify
businesses that have never filed taxes. A landlord audit in 2015 brought in $8
million and identified 4,900 unregistered landlords. This also created $2 million
in new ongoing revenues. A similar effort could begin now and finish within the
fiscal year.
Business tax delinquency notices are going out, but there is no plan to identify
businesses that have never filed taxes. A landlord audit in 2015 brought in $8
million and identified 4,900 unregistered landlords. This also created $2 million
in new ongoing revenues. A similar effort could begin now and finish within the
fiscal year.
business tax enforcement
business tax
Business tax delinquency notices are going out, but there is no plan to identify
businesses that have never filed taxes. A landlord audit in 2015 brought in $8
million and identified 4,900 unregistered landlords. This also created $2 million
in new ongoing revenues. A similar effort could begin now and finish within the
fiscal year.
Business tax delinquency notices are going out, but there is no plan to identify
businesses that have never filed taxes. A landlord audit in 2015 brought in $8
million and identified 4,900 unregistered landlords. This also created $2 million
in new ongoing revenues. A similar effort could begin now and finish within the
fiscal year.
The city has to ensure it’s collecting all the revenue it’s owed. We’ve been able to increase
revenues by staffing up parking enforcement, but we still have a lot of work to do here.
The city has to ensure it’s collecting all the revenue it’s owed. We’ve been able to increase revenues by staffing up parking enforcement, but we still have a lot of work to do here.
Hiring Technicians
More parking control technicians were recently hired, but not all vacancies have
been filled. Each parking control technician collects approximately $500,000 in
annual revenues.
Hiring Technicians
More parking control technicians were recently hired, but not all vacancies have
been filled. Each parking control technician collects approximately $500,000 in annual revenues.
Abandoned Autos
A new position was planned that could perform a broader range of enforcement
on things like abandoned autos, but has not been created.
Abandoned Autos
A new position was planned that could
perform a broader range of enforcement
on things like abandoned autos,
but has not been created.
Meter Repairs
Only 3 staff are responsible for thousands of meters, many of which are
Meter Repairs
Only 3 staff are responsible for thousands of meters, many of which are inoperable.
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action to ensure we cut waste, not services.
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on how you can take action to
ensure we cut waste, not services.